Összes idézet
You try to remember how to smile. You try to remember how to love. And one day you crawl out from your hiding place and step back into the world.
Amnesia: Rebirth (2020) videójáték 77%
I didn't earn this mercy, but I will die to make myself worthy of it.
Horizon: Zero Dawn (2017) videójáték 91%
Ernol: You can't ask me to blindly follow you!
Duliae: I never asked you blind trust. You confuse me with your grandfather.
Ebon Light (2019) videójáték 100%
Duliae: I like your hair, and I like that you are out of my control.
Main character: I like your hair, and I like that I am out of your control, too.
Ebon Light (2019) videójáték 100%
Vigyázat! Felnőtt tartalom.
Cardinal: I stand on the shoulders of his greatness! As they do! As one day, you will.
Ryder: Except I'm gonna fuck your shit up. How's that for great?
Mass Effect: Andromeda (2017) videójáték 78%
[Ryder a pyjaket simogatja]
Ryder: Better not go running off Kadara. Might end up in another cage… or someone stew.
Liam: [gügyögve] He's a good boy, aren't you ! Aren't you? [normális hangon Rydernek] You do know pyjaks pee anywhere, right?
Mass Effect: Andromeda (2017) videójáték 78%
There's a price tag for everything. Even letting the world burn.
Resident Evil 3 (2020) videójáték 83%
Isshin, the Sword Saint: Hesitation Is Defeat.