Összes idézet


Ik krijg mijn kracht terug!
(Visszanyerem az erőmet!)

Ring Fit Adventure (2019) videójáték


Valóban nem értek többet a dologból, mint eddig. De mindenképpen jobban csodálkozom.

Miazma, avagy az ördög köve (2015) videójáték


Joshua: Breath of mine ancestors, fill these lungs that I may dispel songs of suffering.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Ultima: These are not flames of destruction.
Joshua: Have you forgotten already who I am?

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Jij bent toch niet van suiker gemaakt.
(Mégis csak kemény fából faradtak.)

Ring Fit Adventure (2019) videójáték


Duke Nukem: Yeah, shake it baby!

Duke Nukem 3D (1996) videójáték


Cid: But Clive, I will say this. You are not a monster. You're the same man you've always been.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Cid: I knew a girl… back in the day. She was a slave to her fate, just like you. I wanted to save her. For a while, I even thought I could… but just cause you think something, it doesn't make it true. […] I'm no savior. Just a conceited old fool. I talk about people forging their own futures, but instead of handing them the hammer, I beat them with my own.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Citlali: When you live as long as me, a person is like a flower. The color draws you in. You water it to see it bloom. It rewards you with its fragrance… But it doesn't last. With the passing of the seasons, everything withers away. You can try to water it, but it will never bloom again. Even if the same plot of soil is covered in flowers the following year, the one you remember won't be there.

Genshin Impact (2020) videójáték


Cid: With a sprinkle of fire and ice, we might just make this plan work.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték