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Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Ultima: Tell me… what do you imagine will befall this world, now that you have gained your precious freedom?
Clive: I honestly don't know. But I doubt it will be pretty. A sorry tale of sin and suffering. Hardship and pain.
Ultima: And it was for this, you fought so fiercely? Why?
Clive: It's who we are. We fight, we survive, we endure. We don't need a reason. We are imperfect creatures. When we stumble, we reach for a shoulder to lean on. When we fall, we stand back up. We see the horizon, ever out of reach, and still we march on… certain, the answers lie just beyond it. Because that is our way.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Joshua: The people once knew Ultima was their god. Prayed to him. Worshipped him.
Clive: In vain.
Joshua: …in vain. For he did not listen. Did not acknowledge their will. And so we strayed from his path to forge one of our own. So absorbed was he in his own desires, so driven by his own will alone, that he shunned the one thing that could have made him truly powerful. Faith. The same faith people now place in you. Faith that you will fulfill their dream, Cid's dream and make a better world for us. Faith that you will follow in Father's footsteps, and save those who need saving the most. Faith that you will listen to Jill's plea… and save yourself. The difference is, Clive, that you chose to listen.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Harpocrates (about Dion and Twinside): He must live with the consequences, and I fear it will take more than time to heal that wound. It will take forgiveness. Not from you and me. Not from the people. Not even from his late father. From himself.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Dion: Is that a wyvern tail? The color is… unfamiliar to me.
Harpocrates: Because it is unique to those found in the wild. Something in the harsh environments in which they grow lends them this… striking hue. Their roots are indistinguishable from those of their hothouse cousins, but once they bloom, the difference is immediately apparent. In this flower, I see you Your Highness. Its roots were the roots of a wyvern tail, with all that implies. But they do not define it… just as yours do not define you. I want you to have it… that it might remind you of this truth.
Dion: Master Harpocrates… I would ask of you a service. Keep your gift, until I have fulfilled my duty to the realm. For only then shall I be deserving of it.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Clive: Your Highness. Could you accompany me?
Dion: Oh. It is time then?
Clive: No. Just… to the shelves. Our loresman has something he wants to give you.
Dion: Master Harpocrates? No. I dare not show my face before him. Not after everything I have done. I've taken countless innocent lives and ruined countless more. Because I was weak. I swore to atone for my crimes, or die in the attempt. But were I to meet with him again, and see in his eyes what I have become… I fear that my resolve might falter.
Clive: Then that is all the more reason to do it. Prove to yourself, and to him, how strong it truly is.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Harpocrates: I regret that I only ever offered him [Dion] my wisdom… when what he truly needed was friendship.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Clive: Contrary to the tales, I don't go around killing Dominants for no reason.
(The Rising Tide DLC)

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Clive: Shula, how did these ships get here?
Shula: What do you suppose happens, when an Eikon of Water gets angry?
Joshua: Really, Brother? You really had to ask?
(The Rising Tide DLC)

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Clive: Please, call me Clive. Cid… is an alias.
Joshua: You will be pleased, Lady Shula to learn that I have no such aliases.
Jill: Is that so, Lord Margrace?
(The Rising Tide DLC)

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Clive: We don't want to be gods. We just want to be free.
(Echoes of the Fallen DLC)

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték