Összes idézet


Erin Ward: Theatre kids not liking sports is a myth perpetuated by kids like Ajay and Rory who are looking for excuses for being bad at gym class.

Choices: Stories You Play (2016) videójáték


Lily changes the slide to a gif of a confused-looking woman with math equations floating around her head.

Choices: Stories You Play (2016) videójáték


Bailey Jenkins: All the love songs were about us.

Choices: Stories You Play (2016) videójáték


Kamilah Sayeed: Bye… Shaggybottom…

Choices: Stories You Play (2016) videójáték


Abbie Bishop: They say that suffering helps forge great art… but I don't need my art to be that good!

Choices: Stories You Play (2016) videójáték


Becca Davenport: Boys are like cars. There's always a better one out there, and unless you get a new one every year, you look poor.

Choices: Stories You Play (2016) videójáték


Despite everything, it's still you.

Undertale (2015) videójáték

Ada: I'm beginning to feel like your personal bodyguard, Mr. Kennedy!

Resident Evil 6 (2012) videójáték

Ada Wong: So cute! You're confused by all this, aren't you, Leon?

Resident Evil 6 (2012) videójáték


Kreia (kivágott jelenet): The Jedi Coucil was wrong, you know. Your bonding with others… it's not due to the Force. It's your own nature, the human part of you. It touched me, and it has left it's mark. I don't want to train you to be a Jedi Knight. I want to train you to be human.