Thief: The Dark Project (1998)

videójáték 7

A Thief: The Dark Project a világ első lopakodáson alapuló belső nézetes akciójátéka, egyben az első része a Thief-sorozatnak. A játékot a Looking Glass Studios fejlesztette és az Eidos adta ki 1998 késő őszén. A játék főhőse Garrett, a mestertolvaj, aki egy kitalált városban él, ahol… [tovább]

Thief Gold

Képek 3

Most játszik vele 2

Kedvencelte 4

Várólistára tette 2

Kívánságlistára tette 2


Thief II: The Metal Age (2000) videójáték



Népszerű idézetek


First guard (in a drunk voice): Hey, I'm going to the Bear Pits tomorrow. Ya wanna come with?
Second guard: T-uh! Couldn't pay me enough!
First guard: Whaaat? You soft-belly! The bears have got these new muzzles with underslung cheek spikes. Last time I was there, (almost laughing) there was a real eye-gouging.
Second guard: Nah, nah! It makes me sick! When I was a kid--
First guard: Huh! Surprised you're even in this job…. (Falsetto) 'Oo the blood, it just turns my poor tummy!'
Second guard: Shut up, you taffer! You want blood? You should've been there years ago. Tell ya…the bears then? They were something to see. Those bears, they didn't need no cheek-spikes and razor collars, and paw hooks, and all that knifery you straps to 'em now!
First guard: No paw-hooks? What'd they do? Just bump into each other?
Second guard: Huh! Naaah! The bears back then, they had claws as long as your finger! And wicked teeth!
First guard: Bears? Yer taffing me! They look pretty mangy harmless, long as they're not wearing harness.
Second guard: That's why I can't stand the Pits now! You don't know what you've missed. They just don't make bears like they used to…
First guard: Whoa…. Killer bears. Woulda liked to see that…

Thief: The Dark Project (1998) videójáték


First guard: I've been thinking…: The Sir could really beef up security some.
Second guard: What d'ya mean? What's wrong with us?
First guard: Well we're fine, but I've been thinking we should watch the outside some more.
Second guard: That's stupid! People ta worry about--they're on the inside.
First guard: No, then you catch them before they get inside, you taffer!
Second guard: Oooh.

Thief: The Dark Project (1998) videójáték


Guard: (in a drunk voice, finding a body) Are you all right? No no, of course you're not all right, sorry.

Thief: The Dark Project (1998) videójáték


Guard: (mumbling to himself) An' when are they goin to bring me my dinner? That's what I wanna know…when is they gonna bring me my dinner…?

Thief: The Dark Project (1998) videójáték


Hammerite: (prayerful recitation) Hammer, anvil, forge and fire,
Chase away The Hoofed Liar.
Roof and doorway, block and beam,
Chase The Trickster from our dreams.

Thief: The Dark Project (1998) videójáték


Garrett: (in Lord Bafford's library) I wonder if he reads them, or if it's just for show.

Thief: The Dark Project (1998) videójáték


Garrett: The house was constructed recently, so I've had to piece together my own map from observation and hearsay. Sounds like the place is a bit of a maze. I guess if you're rich enough you can build any sort of madhouse to live in.

Thief: The Dark Project (1998) videójáték


Hammerite: (reciting) And The Builder said, 'If the foundation is weak, do you wail and gnash your teeth? Do you ask it to repour itself? Nay, you tear it down and begin anew. So shall it be with with all My Children, whether they be Stone or Flesh.'

Thief: The Dark Project (1998) videójáték

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