Összes idézet
Aera: The cure for your exhaustation consists of two things. One of which is rest.
Ardyn: Yes? And the other?
Aera: Is me.
(Episode Ardyn)
Final Fantasy XV (2016) videójáték 89%
Noctis: You with me?
Prompto: Uh-huh. Ever at your side.
(Episode Prompto: last lines)
Final Fantasy XV (2016) videójáték 89%
Noctis: Once this is all over… I say we break down the borders. Come together as one nation. *Prompto looks at him shocked* I mean… what does it matter where you're from anyway?
Prompto: You know, I never thought I'd say this, but you sounded like a real king for a second.
Noctis: Better late than never.
(Episode Prompto)
Final Fantasy XV (2016) videójáték 89%
Noctis: I swear to you, half of your photos are selfies!
Prompto: Hashtag, sorry not sorry.
Final Fantasy XV (2016) videójáték 89%
Aranea (to Prompto): You worry so much about what other people want from you, you don't even know what you want anymore!
Final Fantasy XV (2016) videójáték 89%
Prompto: They'd never accept the real me!
Aranea: You spent all this time, driving together, and you still don't know what kind of guys they really are? In case you forgot, your princely pal, and I weren't always on such… friendly terms. But you know what? He put all that aside, and asked me to make sure you were safe.
Prompto: He did?
Aranea: Think he'd do that for someone who makes him miserable?
(Episode Prompto)
Final Fantasy XV (2016) videójáték 89%
Aranea (to Prompto): Lose your will to live, and you will lose all hope of me helping your sorry ass out, got it?
Final Fantasy XV (2016) videójáték 89%
Prompto: All I ever wanted in life was friends. But no one ever wanted me back. So when I found people who did want me… I did everything I could to make them stay.
(Episode Prompto)
Final Fantasy XV (2016) videójáték 89%
Gladiolus: All that time, waiting for the Chosen King to arise. You sure took your time.
Noctis: What can I say? I'm worth the wait.
(Episode Gladiolus)
Final Fantasy XV (2016) videójáték 89%
Gladiolus: It took me some time to realise, but… you are right. I am afraid. Afraid of accepting the fact that maybe I'm not really cut out for the job I'm expected to do. But at least I'm not going away empty handed. I better get going. Maybe I'm all muscle, and no mettle, but I will keep on protecting Noct the only way I know how.
Gilgamesh: Spoken like a true Shield of the King. Fear and doubt beget death alone. He who averts his gaze of his own faults, cannot himself a true Shield call… but you – having made peace with your inner self – have proven you are worthy. The Chosen King should be so fortunate… having a man as yourself serving at his side.
(Episode Gladiolus)