Összes idézet


Vigyázat! Felnőtt tartalom.

Juliet Starling: These zombies suck dick at driving.

Lollipop Chainsaw (2012) videójáték


Mirror Lorca: Be prepared to make the hard call.
Vulcan Captain: With due respect, I believe we can stay true to Starfleet values, and survive.

Star Trek Online (2010) videójáték


Landry: There isn't enough time. Go, Captain!
Lorca: That's not how we work, Commander. We won't just leave one of ours behind.

Star Trek Online (2010) videójáték


Tilly: Assuming the rig can handle the increased output, the beams will just… keep on oscillating, until they hit the planetary core. Then, um… boom.
Vulcan Captain: Right. Boom… not acceptable.

Star Trek Online (2010) videójáték


Tilly: I half thought it was once again one of Finnegan's pranks! Oh, poor Jim Kirk…

Star Trek Online (2010) videójáték


Tilly: How many times did you take the Kobayashi Maru? Kirk's up to two now, as I heard.

Star Trek Online (2010) videójáték

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Claire: Leon!
Leon: Hey…We made it
Claire: Just I like said we would.

Resident Evil 2 (2019) videójáték

Leon [about Ada] : I can't believe I actually miss her….

Resident Evil 2 (2019) videójáték

Leon: Claire… It's so nice to see you
Claire: How're you doing? That helicopter just came out of nowhere….
Leon: Yeah… I'm in one piece.
Claire: I'm guessing you don't have a key in one of those fancy pockets?
Leon: Unfortunately, no… But, how are you doing?
Claire: You know, just surviving.

Resident Evil 2 (2019) videójáték

Charon: A disaster! Can't I just have a normal day of ferrying the dead?