Összes idézet


All things change, when they find purpose.


Being able to choose… that is the truth of this story. The rest… it changes with the audience.


Marjolaine: If this was reversed, you'd wake every day expecting my blade.
Leliana: Marjolaine…
Marjolaine: We are the same.


Zack: Midgar's full of flowers, your wallet's full of money!
Aerith: Midgar, full of flowers… wallet, full of money… Never thought of it that way…

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (2007) videójáték


Alistair: Lead? Me? No, no, no. No leading! Bad things happen when I lead. We get lost, people die, and the next thing you know I'm stranded somewhere without any pants!

Dragon Age: Origins (2009) videójáték


Warden (to Queen Anora, when rescuing her): Aren't you a little short for a guard?

Dragon Age: Origins (2009) videójáték


Sten: There is no cake? They said there would be cake. The cake is a lie.

Dragon Age: Origins (2009) videójáték


Kim: You think you're pretty cool, don't you, Fenton Paddock?!
Fenton: You're saying you don't?

Lost Horizon (2010) videójáték


In our haste in looking forward, we too often forget the past.

Monument Valley 2 (2017) videójáték


Sometimes it feels like nothing has changed when everything is different.

Monument Valley 2 (2017) videójáték