Összes idézet


Jack (Character trailer): I'm not fighting for Shepard. I'm not fighting for anyone. I'm fighting because that's what I was made for.

Mass Effect 2 (2010) videójáték


Miranda (Character trailer): I don't have patience for incompetence. Or recklessness. Or heroes. This mission might be insane. And the odds of survival might be low. But I will achieve success, because of this crew… or in spite of it.

Mass Effect 2 (2010) videójáték


Mordin Solus (énekelve, felvételről):
Glycine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, alanine, they all are aliphatic, so you will not see a ring!
The lone human amino acid with one is proline. From protein we are formed!
With two hydroxyl groups you'll find serine and threonine. For sulfur, look to cysteine or to methionine!
For bases, you have arginine, lysine, and histidine. From protein we are formed! (Now the aromatics!)
Tryptophan and tyrosine and phenylalanine! Aspartic and glutamic are both acids as we've seen.
For amides, see asparagine and also glutamine. From protein we are formed!

Mass Effect 3 (2012) videójáték

3 hozzászólás

Vigyázat! Felnőtt tartalom.

Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Aethyta: Well, Matriarch Benezia was her [Liara's] mother. And… she doesn't know it, but I was her father.
Shepard: You mean… you were her other mother, right?
Aethyta: Hell no, I didn't pop her out. She didn't even know I existed in a hole, Benezia run away before she was born…
Shepard: Excuse me, but if you were human, you would also be called her mother. No matter, who gave birth.
Aethyta: But I'm not. Antropocentric assholes…

Mass Effect 3 (2012) videójáték


Shepard: A pleasure to hear from you, Sir.
Anderson: Shepard, I may have reinstated you, but that doesn't mean you get to go all formal on me.
Shepard: Then I'm happy you managed to keep your ass alive, Anderson.

Mass Effect 3 (2012) videójáték


Kasumi: Jacob. Do you know anything about him?
Shepard: Nope, hadn't heard about him.
Kasumi: You see, Jacob could have convinced me to return to the Normandy.
Shepard: I thought you are happy with your memories of Keiji…
Kasumi: Hey, I'm nostalgic, not dead!

Mass Effect 3 (2012) videójáték


Shepard: You are just a big, stupid jellyfish.

Mass Effect 3 (2012) videójáték


Shepard: Mennyi időd van még hátra?
Thane: Az orvosaim nem tudnak megegyezni. A kedvencem három hónapot mondott. Kilenc hónapja.

Mass Effect 3 (2012) videójáték


Soldier: Who's like us?
Shepard: Damn few. And they're all dead.

Mass Effect 3 (2012) videójáték


Jefferson: Always take the shot!

Life Is Strange (2015) videójáték