Összes idézet


Clive: Back to the Hideaway then!
Joshua: I thought we could first return to the Tower and see if we can…
Jill: Back to the Hideaway then.
(Echoes of the Fallen DLC)

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Gav: I'll never be a leader. I'll never be a hero. I'm just a daft little dog who comes running when his master calls. I'll never be like you, or Cid or Jill, or even Torgal.
Clive: Have you finished?
Gav: Maybe.
Clive: Do you know why you're our best scout?
Gav: Eh?
Clive: Because you don't need anyone to hold your hand. Without your resourcefulness, your courage, your determination, I don't know where we'd be. Maybe hanging of a cliff like… uh…
Gav: That was only once.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Lord Byron: This is the role you were born for. I only hope that you trust the talent of your supporting cast. We shall play our parts to the best of our abilities, that you might have the opportunity to shine.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Lord Byron: You don't even deserve to breath the same fine air as this upstanding young man…
Lord Havel: Upstanding? He calls himself Cid, the bloody Outlaw!

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Joshua: Unwavering will, unbreakable bonds… do you think that will be enough?
Clive: To save the world? Of course. To defeat father's political enemies? Of that, I am less sure.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Dion: Ifrit. Your brother mentioned that some of the Dominants who lost their power to you were still able to prime. Is that true?
Clive: It is. But their eikons no longer submitted to their will.
Dion: Then mine will have to be stronger. So you can both save your strength for the battle to come.
Joshua: You don't have to do this.
Clive: If you do it, there is a chance you lose everything you have left.
Dion: And what have I, but regret? My life ended in the Dominion. I fear death no more.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Clive: A chain can always be broken… as long as one has the will to break it.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Clive: I can't do this alone.
Joshua: You don't have to.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

Joshua: He [Ultima] would condemn us for this? Is he blind to his own hypocrisy?
Clive: Not blind. Just unwilling to admit the truth. That we are one and the same.

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték


Joshua: Clive, the world is ours to save, not just yours!

Final Fantasy XVI (2023) videójáték