Valentine_Wiggin  idézete


(Kivágott jelenet, egyik kiegészítő sem állította helyre – abban az esetben történt volna, ha a női főszereplőnek sokkal nagyobb befolyása van Mical-on, mint Atton-on, és sötét oldali)
Atton: Hey, kid!
Mical: Atton! The Exile… where is she?
Atton: She is safe. You don't need to worry about her. You never did, really. You know how long it's been since I last killed a jedi? You get a taste for it, you know? I killed a bunch of you at Malachor, while the planet was dying. Killing a half jedi like you should hold me up, till the next one comes along. They always do, you know?
Mical: Atton, Kreia is using you…
Atton: Really? I had no idea! Everyone uses each other, kid! And if she is using me to kill you, as I see it, than I really don't lose anything. I already lost what mattered to me… I wanted to protect her! To help her! Then you show up, playing hero… Fine…
Mical: Atton, the feelings between the Exile and I…
Atton: Doesn't matter! Not anymore. I forgot, how much I hate jedi. And the less of you there are in the galaxy, the better. Ready to die, kid?
Mical: I won't fight you, Atton.
Atton: I don't care, I just want you to die.
