Craig Hubbard
Monolith Productions
Fox Interactive
PlayStation 2
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 1
Kívánságlistára tette 1
Kiemelt értékelések
The Operative: No One Lives Forever (2000) videójáték 67%
Egy alaplaphoz adott változatával játszottam régen. Volt egy zenei CD is hozzá, amit nagyon bírtam. Hangulatos volt az egész játék, pedig már új korában sem volt nagyon ütős a grafika, néha elég furán torzult a kép, a testrészek meg nagyon fura szögeket tudtak felvenni. A kütyük viszont menők voltak, az egész hatvanas-évek atmoszférát jól elkapták, járművek, kémfilmes jelenetek. Vérbeli kémsztori egy talpraesett ügynöknővel.
Megjegyzem, a Wikipedia azt írja, hogy a LithTech engine a quake- vagy unreal-engine-hez hasonlítható. Hát hasonlítható, de nem jönne ki jól belőlük. Nem emlékszem olyan LithTeches játékra, amivel ne lett volna valami gáz, bár csak jupiter verziójú és azelőtti játékokat ismerek (Blood 2, Shogo, Nolf, Nolf2, Tron2). De mindnél guglizás és patchelgetés kellett, hogy végig lehessen vinni. Mai gépeken futtatni őket meg kész rémálom. Ezzel képest a régi quake- meg unreal-engine-es cuccok pöccre indulnak ma is.
![]() | No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way (2002) videójáték 95% |
Népszerű idézetek
Berlin Contact #1: Guten Abend Fraulein, do you make love to strangers?
Cate Archer: Certainly not!
Berlin Contact #1: Then allow me to introduce myself.
Cate Archer: Why not just introduce yourself to a police officer and spare me the trouble?
Berlin Contact #1: Who makes up these ghastly code phrases anyway?
Cate Archer: Someone in the cryptography department – someone in need of a girlfriend apparently. What do you have for me?
Berlin Contact #1: Just this: 'The entrance is hidden'.
Cate Archer: Thank you.
Berlin Contact #1: Good luck.
The Operative: No One Lives Forever (2000) videójáték 67%
Berlin Contact #2: Are you free tonight, or will it cost me?
Cate Archer: More than you can afford.
Berlin Contact #2: Why must I be made to say such idiotic things?
Cate Archer: Never mind that, just tell me what you have.
Berlin Contact #2: I was told to say: 'In the basement'.
Cate Archer: Thank you.
Berlin Contact #2: Tell the person who wrote the code phrase to grow up!
The Operative: No One Lives Forever (2000) videójáték 67%
Berlin Contact #3: Want to come in for a game of twister?
Cate Archer: I'd rather run over you with my car.
Berlin Contact #3: These code phrases have a somewhat confessional tone to them, don't you think?
Cate Archer: Yeah, now that you mention it…
The Operative: No One Lives Forever (2000) videójáték 67%
Berlin Contact #4: You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Can you cook and clean too?
Cate Archer: No, but I can put you in the hospital if you want, maybe you can find someone to take care of you there; maybe…
Berlin Contact #4: What kind of imbecile says things like this?
Cate Archer: I'm afraid to find out.
Berlin Contact #4: By the way, I am supposed to tell you this: 'Behind the shelf'.
Cate Archer: Thanks.
Berlin Contact #4: Please don't think that I enjoyed saying those things to you. Even though the words were not mine, I am so disgusted with myself that I must return home and wash myself with soap.
Cate Archer: Don't worry about it.
Berlin Contact #4: You are a kind young woman, I wish you luck.
The Operative: No One Lives Forever (2000) videójáték 67%
Street Merchant: You look like you need a monkey.
HARM Agent: Excuse me?
Street Merchant: I have a very fine monkey for you. Only twenty dollars, American.
HARM Agent: Sorry, I don't want a monkey.
Street Merchant: What do you mean?
HARM Agent: I don't want a monkey!
Street Merchant: Why not?
HARM Agent: Because I don't like monkeys, now get that filthy beast away from me!
Street Merchant: Are you insulting my monkey?
HARM Agent: I'm sure it's a perfectly excellent monkey, but I don't want it. Now please leave, I'm very busy.
Street Merchant: Ten dollars.
HARM Agent: No! I wouldn't want the dreadful thing even if it were free!
Street Merchant: Free? You want my children to starve?
HARM Agent: If they're hungry, I suggest you feed them the monkey.
Street Merchant: This is a valuable monkey! My wife would kill me if she knew I was offering it to you so cheap.
HARM Agent: You don't seem to understand, I DON'T WANT A MONKEY!
Street Merchant: Infidel.