Dead Island (2011)

videójáték 18 14

A Dead Island a Techland egyedi zombitúlélő, nyílt világú akció-szerepjátéka (ARPG), amely 2011-ben jelent meg Windows-ra és Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 otthoni konzolokra. A történet szerint főhősünk abban a reményben utazik a gyönyörű, trópusi Banoi szigetre, hogy kipihenhesse a… [tovább]

Dead Island: Special Edition
Dead Island: Game of the Year Edition
Dead Island: Definitive Edition


angol · angol
angol · angol
angol · angol

Képek 70

Logan CarterDavid Kaye
Purna JacksonPeta Johnson
Xian MeiKim Mai Guest
Sam BPhil LaMarr
Ryder WhiteJoe Hanna
John SinamoiSteve Blum
JinTara Sands
Helen anyaElizabeth Gilpin
MowenAdam Gifford
Koritoia OpeLeon Morenzie
YeremaSumalee Montano
Dr. Robert WestJohn Cygan
Titus KabuiKevin Daniels
Kevin "Charon" BarristerZach Hanks
Jack (Bobby)Dave Wittenberg
OjibonKamil Haque
MatuteroJames Mathis III
AfranRoy Vongtama
Keenan FisherJosiah D. Lee
Roger HowardCam Clarke

Most játszik vele 2

Kedvencelte 4

Várólistára tette 8

Kívánságlistára tette 2


Dead Island: Riptide (2013) videójáték


Dead Island

Népszerű idézetek


Logan Carter: I'm a damn good driver. If that asshole I was street racing hadn't side-swiped me, I never would have crashed. And that poor girl would still be alive. That's right. That's right, it's his goddamn fault I shattered my leg in six goddamn places. So I had a few drinks in me. So what the fuck? I drive drunk better than I do sober anyway.

Dead Island (2011) videójáték


Roger Howard (az első hangfelvételen): This is Roger Howard, on a special assignment on the island of Banoi. I'm investigating illegal logging and clear cutting that's not only damaging the ecosystem here, but costing the people of Banoi billions. I've been told that my life might be in danger as those behind this illegal activity will stop at nothing to protect their criminal enterprise. As a precaution I will be leaving a trail of recordings wherever I go, so that if something were to happen to me, the truth would still be told. I'm leaving now to meet with an informant who I believe could rip the lid off of this investigation.

Dead Island (2011) videójáték


Roger Howard (a második hangfelvételen): I'm approaching the location where I'm to meet my informant. I must say, everything seems oddly quiet and deserted here. I'm a little concerned that my informant has been exposed. I hope he's alright. The door appears to be ajar. Mr. Aonomo? (nyílik az ajtó) Hello? Anyone here? Oh, Jesus. Oh, my God. There's, uh… there's blood everywhere. I don't see a body, though. Mr. Aonomo? (vicsorgó zaj, háttérharc) What the hell? JESUS CHRIST! Oh, my God! (csattanó hang) OH, my God… whoever that was… I think I just killed her. Bashed her head in with a fucking lamp. She was out of her mind. She tried to bite me, for Christ's sake! She must have been seventy years old… (nyögés) Someone else is back there… I gotta… I gotta get out of here.

Dead Island (2011) videójáték


Svetlana: Everything is so fucked up. And these half-dead assholes? They're fucking annoying.

Dead Island (2011) videójáték


Anne Snider (miután megkapja tőlünk a Teddy plüssmackót): Teddy, where have you been? You've been a bad boy! Say thank you to the nice people.

Dead Island (2011) videójáték

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