Összes idézet


Plain Doll: Hunters have told me about the church. About the gods, and their love. But… do the gods love their creations? I am a doll, created by you humans. Would you ever think to love me? Of course… I do love you. Isn't that how you've made me?

Bloodborne (2015) videójáték


Plain Doll: Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.

Bloodborne (2015) videójáték


Lady Maria: A corpse… should be left well alone.
Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly.
Only an honest death will cure you now.
Liberate you, from your wild curiosity.

Bloodborne (2015) videójáték


Ludwig, The Accursed: Aah, you were at my side, all along.
My true mentor…
My guiding moonlight…

Bloodborne (2015) videójáték


Micolash, Host of the Nightmare: Ah hah hah ha! Ooh! Majestic! A hunter is a hunter, even in a dream. But, alas, not too fast! The nightmare swirls and churns unending!

Bloodborne (2015) videójáték


A hunter is never alone.

Bloodborne (2015) videójáték


Elika: Why are you following me?
Prince: I'm not, I'm looking for…
Elika: Farah, I heard you yelling. You and your girlfriend should get out of here.
Prince: Girlfriend? Farah's not my girlfriend. She's my donkey.

Prince of Persia (2008) videójáték


[A herceg homokviharban elveszve támolyog a játék elején.]

Narrátor: The wind is free, but the sand goes where it is blown. Unaware of the world around it. Whirling on the breath of the Gods, at the mercy of the storm that engulfs it.
Prince: Farah?!
Narrátor: What is one grain of sand in the desert? One grain amongst the storm?

[Végül hősünk véletlenül szakadékba zuhan, de sikeresen talpra esik.]

Prince of Persia (2008) videójáték


Vizier: You must be the Prince of Persia, come home at last. Too late, I'm afraid.

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (2005) videójáték


Farah: What is your favorite color?
Prince: Color?
Farah: Shall I repeat the question?
Prince: Blue.
Dark Prince: Blue? That's not my favorite color.
Prince: What is the point of this?
Farah: Must every conversation we have be so serious? I know so little about you.
Prince: Very well, then what is your favorite food?
Farah: The pomegranate, of course.
Prince: I do not like pomegranates.
Farah: What is wrong with you?
Prince: They're messy, impossible to eat with dignity. SO much work for a few small seeds.
Farah: But isn't it the effort that makes them that much sweeter?
Dark Prince: I think I'm going to be sick.

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (2005) videójáték

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