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Farah: What is your favorite color?
Prince: Color?
Farah: Shall I repeat the question?
Prince: Blue.
Dark Prince: Blue? That's not my favorite color.
Prince: What is the point of this?
Farah: Must every conversation we have be so serious? I know so little about you.
Prince: Very well, then what is your favorite food?
Farah: The pomegranate, of course.
Prince: I do not like pomegranates.
Farah: What is wrong with you?
Prince: They're messy, impossible to eat with dignity. SO much work for a few small seeds.
Farah: But isn't it the effort that makes them that much sweeter?
Dark Prince: I think I'm going to be sick.

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (2005) videójáték

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