Valentine_Wiggin  idézete


Varel: From this moment forth Oghren, you are a Grey Warden.
Oghren *looks into the cup*: What's this? The sampler size? Are you trying to say something about my height? Hm?
Varel: This is the cup that we always use…
Oghren: Really? *drinks, his eyes turn white, but he only burps* Not bad.
Varel *looks at the Warden*: Maker help us all…
*The Warden shrugs, but says nothing*
Varel: From this moment forth, Anders, you are a Grey Warden.
Anders: So we have to drink darkspawn blood? That's it?
Varel: That is it, yes.
Anders: Alright. But if I wake up two weeks from now on a ship bound for Rivain in nothing but my smallclothes and a tattoo on my forehead, I'm blaming you!

Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening (2010) videójáték