Összes idézet


Did someone say yoga?

Grand Theft Auto V (2013) videójáték


– Come back, we'll order pizza.
– Fuck you! Fuck your pizza. Fuck everything it stands for!

Grand Theft Auto V (2013) videójáték


Mine ain't nothin' special, but this boy gets the job done.

Grand Theft Auto V (2013) videójáték


I'm rich, I'm miserable – I'm pretty average for this town.

Grand Theft Auto V (2013) videójáték


Ah, nigga, don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful, nigga! Maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass haircut you got you'd get some bitches on your dick. Oh, better yet, maybe Tanisha'll call your dog-ass if she ever stop fuckin' with that brain surgeon or lawyer she fucking with. Nigga…

Grand Theft Auto V (2013) videójáték


Cselekményleírást tartalmazó szöveg

– Did you kill him?
– What kinda fucking animal do you take me for? No, I didn't kill him! But I did kidnap his wife.

Grand Theft Auto V (2013) videójáték


You look like you struggle with simple tasks.

Grand Theft Auto V (2013) videójáték


Now go. I need to meditate. Or masturbate. Or both.

Grand Theft Auto V (2013) videójáték


You, Trevor, are the proto-hipster.

Grand Theft Auto V (2013) videójáték


You forget a thousand things every day, pal. Make sure this is one of them!

Grand Theft Auto V (2013) videójáték