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A TES: Arena elején megjelenő felvezető szöveg egy régi papírtekercsen:

For centuries different factions battled in petty wars and border conflicts, until in 2E 896 Tiber Septim crushed all those who opposed him and took control, proclaiming himself as Emperor. Still, the bitter years of war had its affect on the populace. The name Tamriel, Elvish for 'Dawn's Beauty', seldom fell from anguished lips and was soon forgotten. In a place where life and death were different sides of the same coin tossed every day, the people of the world began calling the land of their sorrow, the Arena…
Now, 49 years after Tiber Septim took control and kept the peace, the land of the Arena has a new threat. The Emperor, Uriel Septim VII celebrates his forty-third birthday. But jealous hearts desire the throne and plot his downfall.
It is said that hope flies on death's wings. Prepare then, for as the Elder Scrolls foretold, it will be here that your adventure begins…
Uriel Septim IV, Emperor of Tamriel, stands with Talin, leader of the Imperial Guards. They have been summoned by Jagar Tharn, Imperial Battle Mage of the Empire, on rumors of treachery… The Emperor is betrayed… And transported to a dimension of Tharn's choosing… After months of preparation Jagar Tharn, takes the throne… Ria Silmane, once Tharn's apprentice, is captured before she can warn the Elder Council of the Imperial Battle Mage's treachery… Manipulating the essence of magic, Tharn prepares to take the true Emperor's place as ruler of the known land… The Imperial Wizard wastes no time in gathering his servants… And turning them into twisted counterparts of the Emperors Guard…

The Elder Scrolls: Arena (1994) videójáték

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